Initiative Brownfield Solutions

Geobality – We can help.
Project management, from acquisition, through commercial processing, to the sale of your properties.
One stop shop.

Experience with bioremediation options from America and Asia led to the founding of Geobality Europe GmbH.
Since then, Geobality, with its Research & Development, has positioned itself to bring globally proven remediation concepts to Europe. Especially in connection with already established concepts, we are pioneers for innovative applications in the field of bioremediation. Our individual "state of the art" solutions in the remediation of contaminated sites offer us opportunities to develop heavily contaminated sites in an economically viable manner, in order to then return them to the real estate market.
We now offer this holistic approach to site development to our clients to solve their problems.

Thema Nummer 1 „Brownfields”

The increasing awareness of the limited possibilities for further greenfield site development inevitably leads to the revitalisation of existing sites. Therefore, brownfields and legacy sites are becoming the last resource for new projects and site developments. Today, we are able to provide land recycling with a sustainably successful cost-benefit effect. With the aim of maintaining maximum budget and legal certainty, environmental and financial risks must be avoided or managed. For this purpose, we have founded the initiative "Brownfields Solutions" in order to offer owners and project developers a comprehensive range of services to solve their challenges with an "One-Stop-Shop" concept. We are also happy to acquire brownfields if owners do not want to take on the effort and risks involved in developing new possible uses.

Our services range from damage assessment and the creation of new utilisation concepts to the sale of the properties. The initiative "Brownfield Solutions" secures the land recycling with a team of independent and long-time experienced specialised companies and therefore offers the possibilities of a successful introduction of the redeveloped areas into the real estate market. In order to implement this complete offer, we have been able to win over leading specialist companies as members for our initiative, who can be described as top players in the market, particularly in the introduction technology of the redevelopment methods, Sensatec, in the scientific and legally secure support, HPC International, as well as in the marketing of the properties, LogReal Immobilien.

Our project management for site development includes the coordination of the necessary disciplines in each case, e.g.

  • Analysis
  • Concept development
  • Redevelopment
  • Valuation
  • Legal safeguarding

up to the marketing of the real estate

Kurt Maass – Geobality Europe GmbH
Managing Director & Co Founder

Land Recycling & Remediation

Sensatec GmbH is the leading technology provider for minimally invasive in-situ remediation technologies in Central Europe.

More than any other company, Sensatec GmbH specialises in the technical realisation of processes that can be used to eliminate pollutants in the subsoil without having to excavate and replace the soil material in question.

Brownfield solution
Geobality Brownfield solutions
The implementation of in-situ remediation with minimally invasive procedures uses the technology of specialised drilling injection, in which special agents tailored to the respective group of pollutants are injected into the polluted areas of the subsoil to subsequently cause the dissolution of the pollutants at the site of contamination. In combination with its special competences, Sensatec GmbH applies biological and, if necessary, chemical in-situ remediation processes that can be applied to a wide range of pollutants at low cost. In this way, reactive barriers can also be introduced into the subsoil.

Remediation projects are carried out on the basis of a sound feasibility analysis.

Projects are initially designed in the company's own laboratories. For project implementation, the company has an extensive fleet of drilling rigs and special injection equipment at its disposal. If required, the necessary treatment plants, pipeline construction as well as electrical and sensor monitoring technology are manufactured by the company's own specialists and operated on site. All plants are remotely monitored via appropriate cloud-based technology.

Sensatec GmbH has well-known references from many important industrial sectors from the automotive industry, the oil and chemical industry as well as the manufacturing industry.


Customers and projects

Currently, approx. 150 remediation projects are being realised, mainly in the DACH region, which are supervised by a team of engineers, scientists and technicians at the locations in Kiel, Berlin, Cologne and Ulm. From there, mainly clients from industry as well as from the field of real estate development are served with the aim of restoring development perspectives to contaminated sites within manageable processing periods. In-situ remediation is also frequently carried out on active operating sites or on ongoing construction projects. A major advantage of minimally invasive in-situ remediation is the high degree of flexibility in its application, which also makes it easier to take into account the needs of further site use.

Sensatec GmbH is a framework contract partner of Deutsche Bahn AG and works successfully with almost all major environmental consulting companies. The reference list now includes over 300 successfully remediated sites at home and abroad.

Ein zunehmend wichtiger Kundenkreis liegt in den Bergbaugesellschaften, die im Rahmen der Nachsorge von Bergbaustandorten ebenfalls mit dem Thema “Umweltsanierung” konfrontiert sind. Aus diesem Grund ist das Unternehmen auch auf dem Afrikanischen Kontinent in einer Reihe von Sanierungsprojekten aktiv.


Research and development

Within the framework of current research projects with German and European partners, Sensatec GmbH's remediation technologies are constantly being further developed in order to maintain the company's technological lead over its market competitors.
The company's innovative technologies are secured by a number of patents and exclusive licences, e.g. for the implementation of remediation procedures using horizontal drilling and the remediation of special pollutants.

Sustainability of the remediation procedures
Dem Unternehmen Sensatec GmbH und seinen Mitarbeitern liegt das Thema “Nachhaltigkeit von Sanierungsverfahren” besonders am Herzen. Es werden unseren Kunden daher bevorzugt ressourcenschonende biologische Sanierungsverfahren empfohlen. Beim Anlagenbau achten wir auf die Wiederverwertbarkeit der eingesetzten Verfahrenskomponenten und durch die sehr intensive Vernetzung der einzelnen Niederlassungen des Unternehmens werden Wegstrecken zu den Einsatzorten optimiert und reduziert.
Dr. Stephan Hüttmann Sensatec

Managing Director:
Dr. Stephan Hüttmann

Environmental engineering & budget and legal security


HPC INTERNATIONAL is a member of the HPC AG Group and brings specialist expertise and remediation skills as well as real estate management to the "Brownfield Solutions" network. In essence, the aim is to secure development projects on brownfields with contaminated sites in a sustainable and transparent manner. This is made possible above all by "hand-in-hand planning" with the respective project developers, because HPC INTERNATIONAL can recognise technical and financial project traps as well as potential "deal breakers" at a very early stage from its more than 30 years of experience and identify project solutions.

HPC INTERNATIONAL as part of the association "Brownfield Solutions" has specialised in expert contaminated site management in Germany and Europe for over 30 years. This is done in such a way that maximum budget & legal certainty is ensured with a 3-phase environmental due diligence and remediation plans for the development of brownfields and contaminated sites in land recycling.
The following project development types can be distinguished in land recycling:
Typ 1a: Basische Brownfields mit sporadischen Kontaminanten wie Kohlenwasserstoffe (MKW) und Schwermetallen (SM), z.B. aus Auffüllmaterialien.
Typ Ib: Basische Brownfields wie Typ Ia. sowie Gebäudeschadstoffen (wie Asbest, Holzschutzmitteln wie Lindan, PCP, Arsen…).
Typ IIa: Brownfields mit geringen Altlastenkontaminationen wie MKW, SM, sporadisch auftretenden Lösemitteln (LHKW, BTEX) z.B. aus Auffüllungsmaterial und historischen Nutzungen.
Typ IIb: Brownfields mit geringen Altlastenkontaminationen wie Typ IIa. sowie einigen Gebäudeschadstoffen (wie Asbest, Holzschutzmitteln wie Lindan, PCP, Arsen…).
Typ IIIa: Altlastenkontaminationen mit MKW, SM, Lösemitteln (LHKW, BTEX), PAK, HET, eventuell sporadisch auftretenden Schadstoffen wie PCB, Cyaniden, Kampfmitteln, etc. z.B. aus Auffüllungsmaterialien und historischen Aktivitäten.
Typ IIIb: Altlastenkontaminationen wie Typ IIIa. sowie Gebäudeschadstoffen (wie Asbest, Holzschutzmitteln wie Lindan, PCP, Arsen…) und/oder unterirdischen Strukturen & Abfällen, wie Tanks, Fässer, alte Leitungen, etc.
Typ IVa: Brownfields und Altlasten der Typen Ia. bis IIIa. mit zusätzlichen Spezialfällen, wie PFAS (PFC)-, PCDD/F-Belastungen, erheblichen LHKW-Kontaminationen z.B. im Grundwasser und Bodengas, aromatischen Aminen, militärischen Schadstoffen, wie Nitroaromaten und/oder Kampfstoffe (CWA), etc.
Type 4b: Brownfields and contaminated sites of types 1b. to 3b. with additional special cases such as type 4a. as well as the same pollutants in buildings and waste.

A three-stage process ensures sustainable brownfield project development:

Due Diligence Phase 1:
This stage is based on HPC INTERNATIONAL's more than 30 years of experience and, among other things, on the ASTM E1527-21 standard of 01.11.2021 (on Environmental Real Estate Due Diligence). This includes the identification of historical and current site activities and potential pollutants and risk zones to be investigated. Furthermore, the geological subsoil, groundwater depths & flow directions as well as potential natural risks are determined.
Due Diligence Phase 2:
In this phase, brownfields and contaminated sites are chemically investigated (pollutants in the soil, groundwater, soil gas and in buildings, but also geophysically possible explosive ordnance such as bombs, grenades as well as possible underground pipelines, tanks, barrels, etc.). Soil and groundwater sampling is carried out with DAkkS accreditation in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.

Due Diligence Phase 3:
Due Diligence Phase 3: Based on the geophysical & chemical survey results, the potential hazards (or risks) of the existing contaminant mixtures are assessed by TERQ*. This site-specific hazard assessment is carried out for the potential future site use(s) and development(s). The TERQ also defines remediation targets to eliminate unacceptable risks (or hazards) according to BA161a*.

(TERQ: Toxicological Exposure Risk Quantification, according to the sub-regulations of the BBodSchG & BBodSchV; Federal Gazette BA161a).

The exclusion of unacceptable risks (or hazards) for a remediation and development project can be guaranteed and certified with this approach.

The aim is to obtain a development site that can be used without risk from a guaranteed, transparent as well as sustainable, budget & legally secure land recycling.

The due diligence phases are then followed by redevelopment (or redevelopment planning and monitoring). For this purpose, the following steps are secured for final budget and legal certainty:
A comparative technical-economic feasibility study and remediation investigations, to develop the most cost-effective remediation option(s) based on site development needs (time limits, budget limits, remediation objectives, contaminant types & presence in buildings and/or subsoil, etc.).
The technical-economic feasibility of biochemical and microbiological in-situ remediation, such as DNBA (Dynamised Natural Bio-Attenuation), is also investigated.

Preparation of a remediation plan describing the planning and implementation of the remediation options and the site remediation (master plan). This remediation plan, based on the various phases of investigation (due diligence 1, 2, 3 as well as the feasibility studies of the remediation investigations), is coordinated with the competent authorities. As a rule, this leads to a contract under public law (ÖRV), which is concluded between the authority, the site owner/obligated party and, if applicable, the users. HPC INTERNATIONAL is available to advise the parties and lawyers involved.

Contractual safeguards for site transactions are necessary to protect both seller and buyer from all unpleasant surprises of a contaminated site, because nothing is more expensive than e.g. a construction stop when previously unknown contaminations are discovered for which the construction companies were not prepared. HPC INTERNATIONAL can also provide technical and legal support.
It is also possible for brownfields, contaminated sites or other brownfields that have been explored, assessed and remediated by HPC INTERNATIONAL to be protected with insurance cover.
Such „Liability Select“-insurance coverage then insures the owner against possible residual risks at the site, such as further previously unknown contamination. The site can then, for example, also be sold at an increased value with its insurance cover.
Special project development procedures, such as under BImSch and IED with the necessary approval management (UVP, AZB, etc.), as well as subsoil investigations, geotechnical planning services and infrastructure planning, as well as project management, can also be carried out by HPC INTERNATIONAL, if required.

Contact for sustainable site development with maximum budget & legal certainty.

Geobality x HPC
Identification & Marketing

Brownfield expertise to combat the lack of space:

All logistics hotspots in Germany are facing the challenge that has a negative impact on expansion and growth: There is a lack of the necessary space. Thanks to years of activity as an agent for land and logistics properties for trade, industry and e-commerce, LogReal-DieLogistikimmobilie has a large network with whose expertise and flair new locations are discovered and developed for investors and owner-occupiers. It is not uncommon for well-founded location analyses to show that areas beyond the established hotspots are also ideally suited to individual, specific requirements. Take advantage of this settlement advice - and benefit from outstanding competence in the search for land, in the marketing of space and in location marketing.


The right decision: location analysis and settlement advice
The general scarcity increases the value of what is available. Nevertheless, it is advisable to carefully examine every plot of land currently offered on the market to see whether it meets the specific requirements for use. LogReal-DieLogistikimmobilie offers investors and owner-occupiers a qualified location analysis and comprehensive settlement advice - in order to make a decision based on facts. On request, the company also carries out professional site scouting in accordance with the requirements profile.
Land revitalisation as an alternative to new sealing
The chronic shortage of space for the space-hungry logistics industry will become even more acute in the coming years. Under these circumstances, the revitalisation of brownfields is an opportunity to build modern logistics properties in attractive locations. This also applies to the revitalisation and redevelopment of brownfield sites. The initial development costs are much higher than for greenfields. It is not uncommon for development on brownfields to have to comply with certain urban planning design specifications.
Brownfields: Long-term value enhancement and marketing advantages

In the long term, however, the investment in brownfields pays off: an infrastructure for electricity, water or internet is usually just as available as a functioning transport connection. Municipalities support the removal of brownfield land, which is often seen as an eyesore.

The greatest advantage of brownfields, however, comes from their preferred location. The appreciation of the site and marketing advantages very quickly outweigh the higher development costs. For investors and owner-occupiers/tenants focused on sustainability and ecological value standards, brownfields often rank above greenfields after successful redevelopment: harmful environmental impacts have been eliminated or encapsulated and, moreover, neither valuable agricultural land nor natural resources worthy of protection have been consumed.

Regardless of the location or region you are looking for, whether you prefer a site as a greenfield or whether you are also enthusiastic about brownfields and/or brownfield sites - use the regional expertise of LogReal-DieLogistikimmobilie for your success.

Rudolf Hämel

Rudolf Hämel
Executive Partner


Marcus Schraft
Partner at the location Stuttgart